© A. Mets


Irish Water Spaniel


Litter 2014
Litter 2014

Litter 2014
Litter 2018

Our Irishers




Anja Boom, married with Arjen Mets. We have two adult sons.

I own the kennel Bognaneilean, in Gaelic it means "the soft from the island".

In the field of Cynology I have passed the following exams of the Dutch Kennel Club:
K.K.-1 (Cynological Knowledge 1) , K.K.-2. I followed the training E & B.(Exterior & Movement). Since 2016, I am a member of Kunogonda and since March 2019 ,
I was asked  to become a member of the Board . My function is
honorary Secretary for Kunogonda.  

In addition, concerning the gundog work, I am a KJV qualified and practicing trainer and followed the required O&O-courses and exams. I am registered
as Cynological instructor in the Register KI of the Dutch Kennel Club, since April 2016.

In 1975, I met the breed, Irish Water Spaniel, for the first time at the house of a friend of my brother (later on, my husband).
The breed really appealed to us; intelligent, naughty, clownish, persevering and sometimes a bit reserved towards strangers.
So it is not surprising, that as soon as our family was complete, we wanted to own an Irish Water Spaniel.
In cooperation with late Miss. Ank ter Kuile, at that time she was the Chairman of the IWSVN, we choose one. She knew Arjen since 1966,
by the IWS his parents owned.
In 1986, we imported our first IWS, the male " Siegers Lord of Kevin " from Denmark. Over 30 Years we have IWS in our house and in our life.

5 of our 7 IWS's we owned and still own, have gained the Dutch Show Champion title and 1 of them gained the International Champion title, the Belgian Champion title (for the last 2 titles, fieldwork skills are required) and the trialer title (a French working title). Then once again, another of our males gained the trialer title.
At the 10th of July 2014 a 1st IWS litter was born in my Bognaneilean Kennel. 8 characteristic IWS pups were born. 6 Pups live in the Netherlands and 2 abroad, t.i. in Switzerland and in France.
At the 29th of January 2018 the 2nd IWS litter was born. This time 9 nice IWS pups were born. 7 pups are living in the Netherlands and 2 went abroad, t.i. to Switzerland and to Denmark

We live since January 2018 in Zeeland. The dogs feel at home there. In Zeeland it is quiet and there is a lot of nature and room to let the dogs run free. They also get the opportunity to work in and around the water. This appeals to their natural ability, which they were bred for. Training with our dogs and participating in official KJV cold game gundog tests, - workingtests, Spaniel fieldtrials in the Netherlands and  formely in spaniel field trials abroad and Gundog WT's in UK, is what we like. We also believe that good health is very important for dogs besides temperament and working abilities. We select our new dogs, regarding these qualities.

Arjen has been the
chairman of the Irish Water Spaniel Association of the Netherlands (IWSVN) many years, uptill Spring 2018.
I have been a member of the board also, with portfolio Health/ wellbeing and at the moment I am a commision member.
Do you want to know more? Please go to www.iwsvn.nl

    You are welcome to ask further information.  Please contact me at + 31 (0)111 691146 or + 31 (0)6 14418596.

    E-mail: anja@bognaneilean.nl




© A. Mets
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You can send an e-mail with questions or remarks to: a.mets@bognaneilean.nl.
Copyright © BOG-NAN-EILEAN Ierse Water Spaniels